Lubomir's article about CENTRICA most read on pvEurope
Added: 15.7.2020 20:32:41 Views count: 3113
15 July 2020
The most read article of the week for the photovoltaic portal pvEurope...

added by our colleague Ľubomír. Under the name Centrica's pioneering trials he informs about the pioneering activities of the company CENTRICA PLC transforming itself from an experienced lady of British energy to a modern company, approaching more and more customers who appreciate financial and environmental efficiency. The portfolio of their activities is incredibly wide, which is why Ľubomír rightly calls the company an energy giant - energy production and storage, intelligent technologies and solutions, complex emobility systems ...
Finally, you can read the article here.
The shares of CENTRICA belong to the popular within the investment package of EREVITA s.r.o. (CNA on the London Stock Exchange). We have become accustomed to the fact that Ľubomír's selection of investment titles is excellent. What is your opinion on his "lucky hand" in this case?